Natural grass / synthetic turf field conversions
Coordination of stadium sports lighting
Design for concession stand building and field house
Coordination for bleacher / pressbox design
Track & Field Events civil design for drainage / grading
Reconstruction / resurfacing to meet NFHS/UIL standards
Design and  development of grass/synthetic turf fields
Bullpens, dugouts, batting cages
Coordination of scoreboard
Design for concession stand and restroom facility
Coordination for bleacher / pressbox design
Civil design for drainage / grading
Design and  development of tennis courts
Resurfacing and/or relocations
Coordination of bleachers and sports lighting
Design and  development of soccer fields and layouts
Natural grass and synthetic turf fields
Civil design for drainage / grading
Coordination of sports lighting
Civil analysis and design of water distribution, wastewater collection, storm sewer, and detention systems
City / County permits
Parking lot design
TCEQ reports and submission